blasphemy. revisited.

sincerest apologies to the believers.

a few weeks ago, someone posted a question on pre-adamic age. and what must have happened then. i thought it was a good question and got thinking on that. i know i would hurt someone's sentiments with it and all that but then again, i was never known to be the sensitive types. plus, i got nothing to write this week, no mixing insects in a post, no stories to tell. no tech implements to rant/rave about. nothing. so here is my excuse of a post.

Where does Satan and the fall fit into the Bible ? He must have been cast down before Adam and Eve were created because he was there to tempt Eve in the Garden? Was there, could there have been, a pre-Adamic age - and surly this would have been a catastrophic event ?

actually there has to have been a pre-adamic age. it lasted for 5 days i think. god made man on the 6th day... sort of like building the zoo and then moving the monkeys in. there fore, i think the devil was gods first creation, he was essentially made as his friend, confidant and chess opponent. (u see god has to have gotten bored of talking to himself alone.) but then the devil was sick of losing and started cheating and so god sent him on earth as a snake. dude was pissed. went and lashed it out on gods favorite creation (not because people were beautiful, but because they were so freaking stupid that it was amazing. sort of like his own personal lol cats!) and said, dude, the guy up there, he hates you... he thinks you are fat and ugly... and stupid. but if you want to get even with him, he is keeping his most delicious apple on those trees and he goes for a nap between 1-3 in the afternoon... go steal it. and balm! you have the story of adam eve and the apple they stole.

but then why did god leave the apple tree behind?

i think in gods own country (not kerala, the original gods own country, heaven as we are told) the apples are like super old whiskey or really good weed. so he kept a tree full of it on earth, away from his wife and kids, and his evil twin benny. so he kept it here, and would say... i am off to earth dear, got a lot to do this week, will see you later. he would come over, get high, get naked and make dinosaurs, crocodiles and that ugly lady who lives down the road from my house. but to us human, its just an apple that broke our inhibitors. thats all.

so there you go. questions answered. posts written. cheap shot i know, but what can i say, cheap guy.


cajuncole said...

Much appreciate your thoughts about the bible. It seems you know a lot of bits and pieces. I have read the the book through more than once and the last time was one year ago. Satan was never a snake but used one to decieve Eve. Adam sinned out right knowing what the out come would be. It wasn't about eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge-no one knows what the fruit was-more so than out right rebellion and a challenge on God's authority to rule. For Satan told Eve she would become like God knowing good from bad, hence the ability to think and self rule. As, far as the casting of Satan to the earth you need to read the book of Revelations to see that one. It clearly shows that he was cast to the vecinity of the earth after the Christ took possesion of his kingdom rule. This kingdom by the way is the main theme of the whole bible should one really care to see and look and after Adam sinned this kingdom was foretold to come to bring and end to what the rebellious trio had started.

Unknown said...

wow. i knew i was out of sync, but didnt know i was this far out. :)

this post wasnt meant to be a take on the bible. neither is this blog trying to send a message out of any kinds at all. its just mindless wanderings over meaningless questions generated thru bouts of wasted time.
the idea wasn't to be accurate, or to show off my knowledge, or belittle the book.
it was to speculate over what if everything was as trivial as everything else. please dont take it to be anything more than that. my knowledge is stupendously limited over these things. if it did offend your or your sensibilities, i apologize for that.
