win it like you own it people!

we won the worlds first T20 world cup. congrats to the indian cricket team. this post isnt about the win itself. i dont care about the sport, i care even less about the team, and a little lesser than that about the fact that wether they won by chance or choice. i mean u won it .. cool congrats moving on...! that kinda thing.but what i do care is the garbage that they generate that makes it difficult us to break the cliches. the post in on the way they took the winning of the cup. first the pre final match with australia, absolute no respect for the game, team or country, behaving like a bunch of Neanderthals on the field isnt sporting spirit. ok so u get a fine the next day, but the damage is not monetary its the, indians are barbaric on the field thing that bothers me, every time you sledge on the ground there is a bunch of people that could matter making an opinion of that which you represent. my country. patriotism isnt shouting at the top of your voice with a bleeding heart and the country flag. its to act in a way that you belong to civilization. agreed the win was surprising. but the behavior was unforgivable. when you win a game you dont look like you didnt expect to win.. you gotta conduct yourself like you have been winning all your life and you dont know life otherwise. not the way things went down there. we looked like a bunch of oppressed teenagers after their first chat with a female. excited and stupid.

ok lets say we forgive their sins of conduct and appreciate their win even so . we as a nation behaved ridiculously. we ran an entire newspaper edition celebrating their win. we had articles with interviews of the german who sat next to the capt. on his flight back..! why? dont we have anything else happening in this so called great nation of ours? we won a series .. fine move on.. gets some rest, and get to practice in the morning. you interview their parents, wives, children neighbors, the gardner, the watchman.. and how far will this go? dont people in this country have better things to do than read dirt?

ok lets say we forgive the media also for this. i mean they are feeding us garbage cos we ask them for it. but can we forgive ourselves? the same sport, nearly the same team, was dishonorably removed from the world cup not so long ago... and when i say removed,.. we were literally thrown out by the underdogs.... ! the boys come back home heads hanging low and we have a bunch of housewives at the airport wearing full cricket gear standing under the sign that read"wanna play?". now we get them to our country, we give them gifts worth millions, a guy gets 1Cr for hitting 6 sixes in a row... and a porche, and a house in any city of his choice, plus the state govt. showering them with gifts....! how shameless are we? if you win you are everything to us if you lose we tar and feathers you and run you off our property! and this is only true for cricket.. we are a lot more tolerant otherwise.. you win the world championship anywhere else.. ok cool get back home and better yourself... unless you are piping hot and can endorse a cola.. then you are the ruler of the universe..! we have a chess genius in our hands.. and we dont bother, we have a brilliant hockey team.. we dont let the success get to their head, we have athletes running bare foot for lack of sponsorships.. that doesn't matter.. but if we win a cricket series .. hurray! whats so great about this sport? its a test of patience and not stamina. its more about timing than strategy off the field.
i am not saying that dont celebrate them, just that celebrate every victory equally. and please behave! the hockey players, the chess champs, the tennis players, the athletes work as hard as the cricketers. you may be the best at what you do, but thats only how good you are. you are not gods, certainly not mine.


Unknown said...

hahaha..........we arent suppose to do anything for money , yet most things we do are for money nowadays.
