the phoenix design theory!

it was sometime yesterday afternoon, while aimlessly cruising through the city... again (does any one see a pattern here?) that it dawned on me. that the more complex we make life the lesser chances of survival we have (similar circumstances similar findings.. read on and you shall see the difference in area of extinction!). the simpler we keep things the better chances it has of being sent into the next generation and the generation after. we make our peace with the fact that life will be complex. but it neednt be, its gotta be simpler. we fight for complexities. we werent satisfied wen we made the wheel we needed the bicycle, then the bike then the car then ships the planes then the jets then the supersonics then space,then mars and then beyond until there is nowhere to go. same with design. we started with simple layouts single color sending out the same feeling as if we were witnessing the event. then came in the complex printing the softwares the paper styles and things went complex. they started mocking reality instead of expressing it. it became more a prowess of the technology than of the intended art. art was no longer a medium of expression it was the expression of the medium. messages lost, purpose redefined. architecture also.. it was no longer about the space. it was about the technology used. it was first the decorative styles, then the metal framework, then titanium claddings, the curves, the shapes, the scale , size, color, everything.. it all became about how you build and not what you built. something incredible happened with it... art turned profitable, we could have people making a living as artists, it isn't a luxury of the privileged few, design is no longer a hobby, it is a profession, as architects, movie makers, graphic artists, painters, fabric designers, we have all moved out of our cocoon and gone on to a more profitable state, now we have design houses, corporate owned studios, a more business structured architectural practices where we can get our work done.. butt! wait a minute..... it just got complicated again!... now it is a business dominated enterprise.. creation over creativity... we design because our client requires design, but we design like the client wants us to design and not what the design needs. we may build/colour/design things in a certain way that is most profitable for the designer, by minimized time and effort spent, you get it right for the client the first time... innovation is difficult, specialization necessary and we lost the essence of design somewhere on the way... but what goes around come around.. and now the times a changing again... now is the age of design becoming profitable again.. but this time is isnt client driven, it is designer driven.. the designer is the king, he dictates the rules, the laws and everything involved. and like Kelly Osbourne's tattoo proudly proclaims ... 'this too shall pass!' and god know into what..! we shall rise from the ashes of the past to be burnt again...


Unknown said...

'this too shall pass!' and god know into what..!
thats very well said. Keep writing.
