phoenix rising.

design is evolving. we may not totally approve of what it is evolving into but it is evolving... i was going down university road.(for those in pune know what i am talking about and those outside just read on....) there is a series of fly overs that help you 'fly' for about 6 odd kilometers without a single traffic crossing on the way (which earlier took us around 45 minutes to cross on a good day which were far and too few...) so plying down (aimlessly again... :)!!!) this road you see these new urban 'complexes' as we call them when the only thing complex about them is the fact that how did some being.. having the audacity of calling himself intelligent life form allow for these things to be built. they are visually polluting, maniacally loud, monstrous blemishes on an otherwise serene road (or as it used to be..) and the worst part it that as far as their impressions go all they leave in your mind is a bad after taste. i go down that road each and every day and even then all i can remember is red building, bad design, LOUD, .. never the actual building.. or the things that are there inside it, the point of the loud design was attraction towards the function within .. its lost in the sheer volume of the shout! ... form follows function is all lost in the last reincarnation and now it is the loudest wins...! do people consider the mpact that these buildings have on people that pass by it? isnt it time we also considered the impact of visual pollution? glass facades facing the sun shining on a road? neon lit advertisements, attractive signboards, and a whole lot of other commercial proclamations that if they did their job well.. can cause death or at-least serious disfigurations and not to mention the actual intention of these ads - mangling self esteems. [i try my best to deviate from here and i shall continue the advertisement industry's presence and modus operation... those who know already know.. for those who didnt .. coming soon! ] can we build guidelines for these as well? but then it wont remain a democracy.. design guidelines is as oxymoronic as it gets the only way out is that everyone has to realize .. loud isnt necessary clear.. you could be the quietest and still shout it out... purpose driven design is the best way to move forth... but then who am i to tell . i can only show you what i think is the door.. we all have our own doors to find and walk through....!


Unknown said...

OMG, I have heard about this from so many people.........over-dressing of building facades and the garish colors and design that really hurts the eye of the beholder. I havent been in Pune for the past 3 years, but I heard about the mushrooming multiplexes, shopping malls and buildings that really sends shockwaves that are high on the Richter scale in mind. But who is the real culprit ? Who is to blame?
Trust me the situation is no better here. Evidence of world wide loss of creativity.

Unknown said...

its not so much the multiplexes that are infesting this city.. it is these pseudo malls things that are the real plague.. they pack shops like sardines throw in red and yellow sheets with glass and a semblance of an atrium and you have got urself a mall! its insane the things we call malls here!!!

gaudy blaring badly built and depressing that is all that i see all around! i hope this passes soon and we get to true design someday!
