i like that name mmx. sounds scandalous. the MMX scandal.
moving on...
so this year started out awesome. i made resolutions, decisions, plans, plans of actions, all of that. and almost came close to acting on those, but one of the things i resolved, was that i would write each week. so i wrote the first week, and now the last day. this is a recap.
this year in retrospect.
1. witnessed more weddings this year than all years put together.
2. know more new parents now.
3. travelled much less than what i would normally do. or like to.
4. ipad release (didn't get one, but just being there the time that it happened)
5. replaced a good macbook with a better macbook pro. (fried logic board can do that to you)
6. lost a phone.
7. started a company
8. stuck to it for longer than 8 months and counting. (making it my second largest employment ever)
9. attempted to separate my personal performance review of a job from its actuals. still not there but close.
10. got introduced to the musical genius of amit trivedi
11. was around when tron made a come back.
12. made a resolution to write each week, did only for about 10 weeks or so. but
surprised at my own conviction.
13. attended 3 indian ocean concerts. downloaded the free album.
14. saw james camaroon make avatar.
15. saw knight shyamalan make avatar.
16. saw right ya wrong.
17. witnessed an erosion of movie taste being replaced by an unhealthy addiction.
18. did things i swore i never ever ever would.
19. missed the german winters. but not enough.
20. saw what 6.5 degrees feels like without heating.
21. made unlikely friends, made unwilling enemies.
22. lost friends to monogamy, work and distance.
23. started working on a script/magazine/business idea. stopped working on a script/magazine/business idea.
24. found out how those i thought uncool were cool in waiting.
25. worked. not as much as i should have, but as much as i could.
26. started doing things the way i hoped i would someday
27. still trying to cling on to a shred of my suicidal tendencies that fuel my work ethics.
28. learnt of the harms of coffee allergies.
29. saw jitesh bafna reel in horror each time i mentioned the word wife. (evil laughter follows)
30. saw hrishikesh kalkote get to where he wanted to go finally. :)
(i like 30. its a nice number. i will stop here now. )
there is a bigger list, but i would have to kill you, or hit you with the forget me bat after you have been told.
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