End ordinary.

End ordinary.
something i read on the internet.

Ordinary is a coffin for your Amazing, your Remarkable, your Outstanding.
Sure, it’s lined with the most comfortable velvet and padded with the softest down, but it is suffocating.
We all have our Amazing, our Remarkable and our Outstanding.
We feel them deeply even if we cannot yet name them.
We sense them as longings, yearnings to work and live in different ways; a need to be different.
We nurture them in the soft places inside where we keep them hidden, protected, safe from harm.

After all if we were to expose them, they would come under scrutiny from a possibly harsh world that might not understand, that might be envious or sceptical.
Of course, within that scrutiny they might amaze other people (let’s call them clients) as well.
People would remark upon our Remarkableness and our Outstanding.
 We would be set apart from the rest of the group, conspicuous in our openness, our vulnerability and boldness. It could be dangerous. What if people mocked? What if they turned away? What if no-one understood? What if people tut-tutted and demanded to know “Who do you think you are?” What if we make a mistake? And so, for far too many, we climb back into the soft, warm, stifling velveteen embrace of the Ordinary once again.
We do what we have always done, and although we may do what is ordinary exceptionally well, it is still the Ordinary. We lie there burning up inside knowing there are other ways of doing things, other things that we really need to be doing to be ourselves and fulfil our potential. But, you see, as long as we stay with Ordinary then we know what is what.
 We know what to expect.
We know where we are going, I know how many pounds and pence I can expect to earn this year, next year and the year after that. It’s safe, right? It feels secure. We know what our position and role is even though we may be disatisfied with it. And sure, the Amazing, the Remarkable and the Outstanding smart and burn on the inside as they fight to break out but we can always anesthetize that with the stuff and mediacation that Ordinary offers us, right?
 So, how is your ordinary for you? Safe, comfortable, good enough? What does it look like? And if you were to step out and work on the outside of ordinary, what would that look like? What would you be doing differently?
What do you need to do to move towards that?
What would other people be Amazed at seeing in you – the stuff that previously they had no idea you were capable of?
What remarks would your Remarkable draw out of those people you work with, the people you live with, the clients you serve? What would they be saying now?
And if you released your Outstanding, where might it take you once you were really standing out from the crowd?
End ordinary.

Get artisan

day zero.

day zero: the return. couldn't sleep on the flight thanks to the 3 babies in front and their unstoppable crying. had more legroom thanks to the skinny folks next to me. ate asian meal with more cauliflower than humanly consumable. didn't like it. slept a little. got off the plane. waited at the baggage claim for 2 hours to get my bags off. waited for 7 hours for Akshay Modak to show up. went to the hyatt and had to fight with a cabbie to not get looted. won. almost. went to the airport medical institute to get akshay a yellow fever shot. he took the shot. nothing changed. went off to a theatre. saw spiderman. sat next to a girl who thought tobey maguire was better. tried not to kill her. succeeded. loved the movie. met a friend of a friend and dropped off a package. she was happy. had mcDonalds at panvel like it was part of a religious experience. left for home. slept in the car. no babies cried... slept well. went straight to office. showed akshay office. he said he liked it. left food behind. saw it get over faster than i could have eaten it. impressed.  came home. showered. ate. slept. for 10 hours. like a dead man. with no babies around. woke up to phone calls and work demands. hated it. met old landlord. rembebered why i stayed away from them. had tea. had another tea. almost had a third tea before i had to leave. went off to fix a flat tyre on the bike. rode it. loved it. went to work. hardly did anything. had meetings. met friends. had lunch. thank you Sean Mathew and Nisha George. i hope you make this a habit. (without shepu next time). went back to office. left immediately. had a meeting. a good won. had a tart at The Flour Works, mind blown again. came home. dinner. work. and more work. but definitely no wailing babies will keep me up tonight. end rant. good night sweet world. i will be dreaming of the last 15 days now. :) 

The Aesthetics of change.

i was going thru my google doc archives, and found this piece i had written for a real estate magazine about 3 years ago... cant remember why i didnt post it online earlier, or why i am doing it now... just one of those things where i like to put thigns out again after a long. its like trying to bring back a joke no one thought was funny then, and seeing if they find it funny now....

Aesthetics of change.
 Karthik Natarajan

Architecture has always been about expressions. Through Pyramids, we reflected our desire to be remembered. The Greek took great pains in forming an architectural aesthetics system so as to get building aesthetics to reflect a sense of grandeur. The buildings they built in function also reflected their ideas of culture, class, politics, religion and leisure. Architecture then was a privileged art and an extension of sculptures skill and talent to make sculptures with spaces enclosed. The cathedrals that came about in the later ages also showed a strong sense of visual character so as to reflect the standing that religion held, or was expected to hold in its days. Architecture then moved on from becoming just a means of external expressions, but through spatial order within the buildings as well, hierarchy of use, the ideas of exclusion and elite were reflected. Not just in western cultures, even in ancient India, we started building larger campuses around temples, with layers of exclusion and order, which would reflect our class distinction system prevalent through ages. Richer the community, larger and grander the scale of buildings.

According to architect Lebbius Woods, the French revolution failed in its intent of drastically changing the society as it did not accompany with a stronger architectural expression. In his words, “the French revolution failed because it installed itself in the buildings of the royalty it overthrew”. With a promise of new social order, a new architectural order must ensue, or the ideas become incomprehensible.

Each time that a successful shift in social systems has occurred, architecture has reflected the change through change in style. When there was change from the Greek social culture to a Christian culture, the style and nature of expression in built form also changed visibly. We moved from an ordered system of design, to a more imposing, decorative and layered system. The church became the center of the society and not the kings. Through renaissance, the age of logic and reason, architecture started taking on a closer to classic order again. During the industrial revolution as well, architecture and planning became more transparent and approachable, as opposed to the previous systems which were more exclusive. The modernist changed the aesthetics according to what they felt best reflected the needs and ideals of a progressive society. The post-modernist then reflected what they felt was the change needed. Each order of building aesthetics, thus has contributed significantly towards its function. Form follows function is only half true now. Function also significantly follows form.

Working towards larger goals of a sustainable future and how architecture can bring about change, it is worth reflecting upon the visual language that these buildings have, and how what we do as design measures are expressed to those who inhabit the space within. May be the sustainability of a new design methodology also requires a considerable change in its aesthetics as well for it to be widely accepted. A reflection of the design intent of the built environment, which lends the building the character it needs to express, not just make pretty pictures, but also bringing about change.

Quoting Philip Johnson, “All architecture is shelter, but all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts or stimulates the person experiencing it”.

this is deep thought. its also rubbish and fragmented. its been written over atleast 2 months of one sentence a week, so if it makes little or no sense, it is most likely that you are not losing your mind... but then again... may be you are....

recently, i saw death. fairly up-close. not in the kinds that motorcyclists describe as the last few seconds before their heads get smashed in the pavement. but like the kinds where an aged relative who was slowly fading just ceased to exist. the post departure motions and the talks that ensue always makes one wonder what would people talk about when i am gone.

my mother taught us a phrase very early on. "smashana vairagyam" which badly/loosely translated means the divine selflessness attained at the cremation grounds. its the end result of the introspection that happens once you see the futility of living in the eyes of a dead close relative. you feel that all they did, is summarized, as good by the close ones. mundane by the ones that aren't so close, and as stern silence by the ones who watch cynically. you suddenly start looking at life from an obituary perspective. what would people say after i died. how would dad react, or mom feel or my aunt who never liked me talk of when she's consoled. what would my cousins who now look at me as an anomaly say. what anecdotes would be brought up? would it be the ones where i rebelled. or the ones where i obeyed. the ones where i was idiotic or the ones where i was brave? and after all these questions it suddenly starts to dawn... you need to live better. you need to do more for people. you need to be a better son, brother, friend, support to those so related. your desire to hoard money suddenly becomes a thing of great guilt and you wish you had done more for society in general.

the thing with SV is that it only lasts as long as the fires burn. the minute you are back home, the minute you interface reality, you start to slide back into your ways, you worry about the insufficiency of funds provided at work. the futility of asking for a raise, the promotion politics. the new car, the unpaid credit card bill that you got your tv with. all come back as if they never left, and all that is left of that moment of absolute renouncement is a shred of determination that you will one day rise above it all. i would like my V to last longer than that. i would like it to translate into everything i do. i wish to live life with complete abandon of someone connected with things but only to experience them. i wish to be rid of all things lineage driven. my investments will be in people and the things they do, not tangible assets that will give me dividends and returns when i turn 70... i want me experientially abused today... i dont want to wait until i am old and over ripe to experience life... i want to travel, move, be uncomfortable and learning everyday. i dont want tomorrow to be like today and like yesterday... a brand new tomorrow in all sense of the word. coming back to my obituary, i want it to simply read... karthik natarajan lived. fully. and i dont want people to remember me for the things i did, i want them to remember me for the fun we had together. at my funeral i want everyone all drunk and disorderly and mildly riotous. i want it attended in clothing of your determination, and i want it celebrated with the gladness of having being transferred to an exotic location for work.

funeral day playlist:
(guns and roses) november rain
(iron maiden) number of the beast
(metallica) turn the page
(pink floyd) the entire discography
(doors) ghost song
(doors) truckers song
(U2) even better than the real thing
(U2) even better than the real thing
(coheed and cambria) welcome home
(nadaka) pick any and other songs that will be determined over the course of the remainder of my life.
