10 things only fanboys do:

a few weeks ago ironman II released. this post is from that experience.

1.you wake up wishing you had tickets to the 9am show so that you can tweet about it before anyone else does.
2. you wear your faded marvel comics tshirt all day.
3. you brush up on your prequel skills so that you dont miss out references from the movie.
4. you google the plot, character, actors, director, references etc...
5. you see it twice in the same day.
6. you brag about it.
7. you facebook about how the plot was inaccurate and/or how you loved it anyways.
8. you want the director made president of a rich and powerful country so that he can do what ever the hell he wants.
9. you search the internet hi and lo for the perfect fanboy tshirt, in hope of finding something you can buy. only to be disappointed they dont have what you want.
10. you write this. blog it. buzz it. tweet it. and then post it to your facebook wall. and wish you had more places to show it off.

{i wrote this post the same night. i just got around to putting it up. but by then prince of persia was out, so still relevant i guess. if not. my blog, my rules. i rule relevant.}

