End ordinary.

End ordinary.
something i read on the internet.

Ordinary is a coffin for your Amazing, your Remarkable, your Outstanding.
Sure, it’s lined with the most comfortable velvet and padded with the softest down, but it is suffocating.
We all have our Amazing, our Remarkable and our Outstanding.
We feel them deeply even if we cannot yet name them.
We sense them as longings, yearnings to work and live in different ways; a need to be different.
We nurture them in the soft places inside where we keep them hidden, protected, safe from harm.

After all if we were to expose them, they would come under scrutiny from a possibly harsh world that might not understand, that might be envious or sceptical.
Of course, within that scrutiny they might amaze other people (let’s call them clients) as well.
People would remark upon our Remarkableness and our Outstanding.
 We would be set apart from the rest of the group, conspicuous in our openness, our vulnerability and boldness. It could be dangerous. What if people mocked? What if they turned away? What if no-one understood? What if people tut-tutted and demanded to know “Who do you think you are?” What if we make a mistake? And so, for far too many, we climb back into the soft, warm, stifling velveteen embrace of the Ordinary once again.
We do what we have always done, and although we may do what is ordinary exceptionally well, it is still the Ordinary. We lie there burning up inside knowing there are other ways of doing things, other things that we really need to be doing to be ourselves and fulfil our potential. But, you see, as long as we stay with Ordinary then we know what is what.
 We know what to expect.
We know where we are going, I know how many pounds and pence I can expect to earn this year, next year and the year after that. It’s safe, right? It feels secure. We know what our position and role is even though we may be disatisfied with it. And sure, the Amazing, the Remarkable and the Outstanding smart and burn on the inside as they fight to break out but we can always anesthetize that with the stuff and mediacation that Ordinary offers us, right?
 So, how is your ordinary for you? Safe, comfortable, good enough? What does it look like? And if you were to step out and work on the outside of ordinary, what would that look like? What would you be doing differently?
What do you need to do to move towards that?
What would other people be Amazed at seeing in you – the stuff that previously they had no idea you were capable of?
What remarks would your Remarkable draw out of those people you work with, the people you live with, the clients you serve? What would they be saying now?
And if you released your Outstanding, where might it take you once you were really standing out from the crowd?
End ordinary.

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