lessons learnt....

things only a road trip can teach:

in no specific order than that in my head....

you are insignificant. the world is larger than you thought.

the only person who really needs you is you.

you are replaceable

your problems start only if you stop.

money is no good when it is your spirit or back that needs mending.

the difference between how far your mind will wander and how close will you get physically to that point is how old you really are.

credit cards are useless.

mobile phones are really only so good.

your only true asset is your health.

addictions only slow you down.

the sun burns, the rain is cold. winds can be both.

distance is just a number.

crazy is good.

speed is overrated.

travel is not.

life is what happens to you now.

roads will have obstacles,

good roads end. so do bad ones.

your hair is dead cells. but what holds it there is definitely not.

looks arent important.

looking is.

its not where you are going. it is that you are going that is the real high.

an MP3 player is my best friend and closest companion.

people are friendly. terrain sometimes is not.

the only real pictures are the one you take with your eyes and store in your head.

photographs dont do justice to memories.

company is over rated.

silence is not.

smiling is an action not a reaction.

a clean bike tells no tales.

dirty jeans speaks a thousand words.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha.............nice. I like the way you put it all together. Makes sense to go a road trip now.

karthik jayachandran said...

Either youre a God-level writer, or you were very high when you wrote this. either way- good job!

Unknown said...

well JK, this is also one of the thing that the road can teach! try it once man and u shall never go back inside the 4 wheel lie they call a car! i can only rewrite the lessons man.. u have to learn them on your own :)

sunilsamuel said...

too cool man
lai bhaarrri!!

Unknown said...

awesome! y dont u give up architecture.. web designing or w/e u r doing and take up writing??????? M SERIOUS!

Pretty Woman said...

awesome da! very well written....I loved it and it rings of truth, for once! ;)

Unknown said...

the only things i know..
this is my life and these are my lessons...

Sharanya said...

beautifully written.. i have a RX which i adore... i ride the 160kms to mysore most of the weekends, though my mother threatens to disowm me for doing so(she wants me to take a bus).... i love riding in the rain... there are many road trips, memories that still bring a smile on my lips.. the journey more than the destination..
